There are always going to be those who find fault. They will find fault with you, with me and even with this site. Some will say that I should be addressing you from a strictly spiritual perspective and that if I would do that everything else would fall into place. They are speaking from where they are and not where you may be. They are not even speaking from a place where Jesus taught.
Jesus provided the story of the sower, which is a man throwing seeds out on the ground to plant a field. Some of the seeds fell on a hard path and the birds quickly came down and ate them up. Other seeds fell on rocky ground and when the seeds grew into plants they didn’t have a good root so when it didn’t rain much the plant quickly died. Other seeds fell among weeds and thorns and when they grew, the weeds and thorns which are like the difficulties and challenges of life choked the plant and it died. The seeds that fell on good ground grew and produced a healthy plant that produced hundreds of other seeds and a bountiful crop.
Many people try to assign these various types of ground to people and seem to think that Jesus was saying that there are those who are poor ground and those that are good ground. What he is actually saying is that we are all at different places in our lives, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay that way. In fact, every one of us can experience all those different types of ground on a day to day basis. Even after we have embraced God’s Word deeply in our heart, we all will occasionally backslide in our faith at some point.
When that happens we just turn from our unbelief and tell God we are back. He will gladly receive us with open arms. No matter what type of ground you are right now, God will meet you right where you are. Jesus was crucified between two thieves. One asked Jesus to remember Him and Jesus said, “today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus met him where he was, nailed to a cross. Through His Word He will begin to change you into more fertile ground. You will grow and God will produce a bountiful crop in you, because that is what God the good Father wants for each and every one of His children.
So why didn’t I just focus on the spiritual part of life in the beginning of this site? There are those who are separated from God the good Father and He wants them to come close to Him, He wants to take care of them and He wants them to know how much He loves them. When the cares of the world are so desperate and evil has established a firm hold on people’s lives, regardless of the circumstances of how that occurred, it is difficult to focus on anything other than the desperation that is right in front of you.
The lives of those in that situation aren’t like a path, they are more like rock solid concrete and there will have to be some cracks in the concrete if any seed is going to have a chance to grow at all.
Is this biblical? When God brought Israel out of Egypt, even though they had seen incredible signs and wonders (parting of the Red Sea?), every time they encountered the slightest hardship they hardened their heart and began to lose their focus on God. “We’re thirsty, there isn’t anything eat and I’m tired of manna.” What did God do? He addressed what their needs were so they could put their focus back on Him.
In this site I have tried to address where you are right now and have tried to help you see yourself in a better place, living a better life. But I have also asked you to change. By asking you to turn your back on where you are now and walk toward a new life I want to show you that the life you are rejecting is not the life God wanted for you. The life you are turning to is the one that God the good Father wants for you.
The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. Even though Jesus defeated Him, he will lie and cheat and do whatever he can to destroy your happiness, steal your peace and kill you if he can. The Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee.
Resistance is the active effort of pushing back at something or restricting its progress. We have to do more than just think or even say that we are resisting the devil, we need to demonstrate that resistance in what we do every single day. We need to maintain the love which God has for us in abundance, first and foremost in our minds. We need to actively take care of our bodies and our minds by living a healthy lifestyle and not polluting our mind with worthless and destructive pursuits and voices. When you do these positive things you close a door on the devil and prevent him from having any influence in your life.
But he won’t give up, he will still be there whispering in your ear about the mistakes you have made if you will let him. The way you shut him up is to keep what God says about you in your ears all the time. God said He made you for His pleasure and you are His child. You are the righteousness of God through His Son and what has been made righteous through the Son is blessed. You are blessed by The Father and most important of all: You are loved unconditionally and forever by God, your good Father.
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